Sunday, October 26, 2008

Katie the Kangaroo

For a school project Katie the Kangaroo came to visit us for the weekend. We will write in her journal about all the adventures we have had during her visit. Well, we are quite a boring bunch and the most adventuresome we got was going out for a walk. We did happen upon a caterpillar or "pat-a-piller" as Trent would like to call them. We hope Katie had fun with us and comes to visit us again soon!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Family Pictures

We had our family pictures taken a few weeks ago, here are just a couple of them!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A dog and his boy....

There is no separating Rocky & Trent, they play and play and play together!

They really are best friends! When we put Trent to bed at night Rocky ALWAYS tries to sneak in there and hop on the bed to sleep with him.

In the morning, Trent is usually the first one up and the first thing he does is go and get Rocky out of the kennel. If for some reason Terry or I are the first ones up when we let Rocky out of his kennel he goes straight to Trent’s room to wake up his best friend.


Nana came for a visit this week and we were so happy to see her!

Do you KNOW what this is???

Take a guess....

think about it....

think hard....

Trent brought this home from school and pulled it out of his backpack and was so excited to show us. He says "look what I made at school." Of course we ooooh and ahhhhh over it, while looking at each other with confused faces because we REALLY have no clue what it is.

Politely as I can, I ask "what is it Bud?"

giving me the 'isn't it obvious' face, he says

it's a WHALE!!

oh, yes. I can see that it is now.

In our defense the face of the whale is drawn on the tail, so that kinda threw us off.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Trick-or-Treat pail

Only spent $2.99 for the pail and I had the rest of the supplies at home! For not being very crafty, thought it turned out pretty cute! Trent is ready to go trick-or-treating tonight and cannot wait for Halloween to get here!

A budding artist.

Trent loves to paint, and he is getting so good about staying in the lines!

What a CUTE kitty!!

Photos by Trent

Trent wanted to learn how to use the camera, and he took picture after picture after picture. When I was done getting the flash in my face 1401 times he found a new subect: Spiderman! He posed Spiderman in the tree and would adujust him until he was perfect and then would snap a picture.